18. December 2020
We look back on a very challenging, but nevertheless successful year. In the current special issue of PARNASS auctions & fine arts our gallery is mentioned in this regard with a very successful report, which you can read here.
We look back on a very challenging, but nevertheless successful year. In the current special issue of PARNASS auctions & fine arts our gallery is mentioned in this regard with a very successful report, which you can read here.
Furthermore, our exhibitions with Frenzi Rigling in summer and Franco Kappl in September are discussed in the article "(Re-) Discoveries - a tour through exhibitions 2020".
We are quite sure that we will also succeed in many things in the new year, because the joy of art and relationships with our artists, our customers and friends connects and fulfills us. We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year 2021!